War weary and browbeaten from inheriting his father's reeling country, Kiden leads Cailiere from the threat of annihilation to the brink of peace. Few can match Kiden's prowess in war tactics or raw light ability alone, but Cailiere's numbers will not win them battles. Should the fragile notions of peace fall through during the convening at Glenheart, Kiden knows Cailiere's future could be dire.
If Elaina's brother Kiden is known as the brilliance of the Southern Star, then the princess is its beauty. The king's younger sister masks her tomboy heart in elegance and joy, though she worries about Kiden. While the king ages under the stresses of his rule, Elaina is shielded of its burdens; but, she cannot bear being contained within the protective walls of Langbrook for much longer.
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