Ligon Haldrik became king of Lankona shortly before the beginning of the Continental War. Though he played no role in starting the conflict, his choices have overseen an era so horrendous, the scribes have dubbed it the "Blood Age". With an unparalleled loss of life under his rule, Ligon's officers and allies still managed to navigate a path to peace. Nonetheless, Ligon claims credit for himself, and while his enemies despise the Haldrik name, it is his subjects who may have finally reached their breaking point.
After thirty years, the Continental War finally comes to a close. Lankona, if not all of Phorica, hopes the heir to the Crimson Throne will prove a better steward of its power than his father, King Ligon. Unbeknownst to the young prince, several officers of Lankona seek to bring an end to his father's rule, leaving its heir in a precarious position.
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